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Avon Clean Energy Commission Minutes 09/02/2009

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Olivier Gressier in the Avon Room, Building 1, Town Hall.  Members present: Chairman Olivier Gressier, Brett Eisenlohr, Robert Martin, Bernard Zahren and Marty Kaplan.  Members absent: James DiPace and Linda Meyers.  Advisory member present: Giorgina Paiella.  Advisory members absent: Diane Zhao and John Craig. Also in attendance were staff member and Town Clerk Ann Dearstyne and Talcott Mountain Science Center representative John Pellino.

Brett Eisenlohr motioned, Marty Kaplan seconded and all agreed to accept the August 5th, 2009 minutes as written.


Mr. Zahren told of a Con Edison 100% green energy option which is actually less expensive than the Sterling Planet offer we're currently using with the Town. He asked if Avon was getting credit toward the solar panels if one bought clean energy from the Con Edison option. Ms. Dearstyne said we were using Connecticut Clean Energy which automatically brought us to Sterling Planet as the supplier.  Chairman Gressier suggested that someone should call either entity to find out if Avon residents could use Con Edison as well. Mr. Eisenlohr added that one had to register with the DPUC in order to sell electricity in the State. Mr. Zahren offered to contact the CT Clean Energy Fund for more information.  

Mr. Martin mentioned that on August 6th the CT Energy Efficiency Fund came out with a commercial/industrial program enhancement plan which pertains to retrofitting parking lot lights. Much of the initial investment would be rebated and have a two year buy down credit.  Old style lighting would be replaced with LED lights. Mr. Gressier explained that LED lighting provides the ability to see more color which helps to make people feel safer.  He also added that entry costs into these programs are high. Mr. Martin said that many of our lights are in neighborhood areas and have a light trespassing issue which the retrofitting would help to address. He'd like to add the information he's learned to the agenda for the next meeting. Mr. Pellino added that Talcott Mountain Science Center's efforts to upgrade path and sign lighting have resulted in much less power usage.

Mr. Kaplan reported on the Canton Hydro Project.  Of the twelve pre-feasibility proposals received, four have been selected for interviews in September.

V. OLD BUSINESS: 1. Prioritize Block Grant recommendations based on the environmental and financial impact, 2. Avon Day, 3. Energy Boot Camp.
Enclosed in the members' meeting packets were five separate Block Grant recommendations which included information such as cost, description, savings to Avon's energy use and return on investment/payback. Chairman Gressier presented each item to the Commission members to discuss and vote on their priority to be presented to the Town Council at their meeting on September 3rd, 2009.  Avon has been awarded a $75,189.00 Block Grant to be used for energy savings.

                1) Avon Energy Plan - $20,000.00 to prepare a comprehensive strategic energy plan for the Town covering transportation, procurement, building efficiency, etc. It would lay out objectives and a path to sustainability and provide a basis for additional future initiatives and maximize the impact and effectiveness of the Town's efforts and funds.

                2) Public Works Garage (15) Overhead Door Replacement - $48,045.00 to provide the proper weatherization to the building to maintain minimum temperatures during the winter for snow removal equipment readiness. This could save $10,400/year in energy costs.

                3) BOE Lighting Retrofits/Upgrades - $54,000.00 material and labor for fixtures and lamps and $10,500.00 for lamps only. Savings in energy costs would range from $10,900.00 to $4,275.00 with lamps only.

                4) Town Hall Bldg. 1 & 2 - HVAC Upgrade - $24,500.00 for building #1 and $24,000.00 for building #2. Upgrades to building #1 could save 50% off energy costs and information for building #2 was not available. This would upgrade the units and not the whole system.

                5) Anti-idling Signs - $4,250.00 to cover the cost of installation and material of anti-idling signs at Avon schools, municipal buildings and parks and the adoption of no-idling policy for non-emergency Town vehicles. Benefits would include gasoline savings and CO2 emissions, which for every 10 minutes of idling equals 1 pound of carbon dioxide emissions.  

After some discussion, the members voted how to prioritize the recommendations.

Mr. Zahren moved, Mr. Eisenlohr seconded and all members agreed to prioritize the Block Grant recommendations in the following order: first - $20,000.00 - Avon Energy Plan, second - $4,250.00 - Anti-Idling Signs and third - $48,045.00 - Public Works Garage Overhead Door Replacement to present to the Town Council at their September 3, 2009 meeting. None abstained.

The three projects total $72,295.00. Mr. Zahren reminded the members there is $60,000,000,000.00 earmarked for energy in the stimulus monies.

Avon Day is Saturday, September 26th from 11:00AM to 6:30PM.  Chairman Gressier will develop a volunteer schedule and times to be worked and send this information to other Commission members.  Members will be responsible to find coverage for themselves in case of conflict.  Mr. Martin brought a sheet showing the layout and location of the tables.  Ms. Paiella brought a banner that can be hung above or attached to the front top of the table.  Mr. Pellino offered to lend anti-idling signs used at the school for display.  Ms. Dearstyne relayed Ms. Meyer's efforts at copying handouts for the event and desire to do anything else to help. Mr. Eisenlohr told of a company in Canton that would be willing to supply approximately 100 light bulbs to be handed out to residents who sign up for clean energy. Assistant Town Manager Blythe Robinson will ask the Town Council if the Commission can accept donations for the bulbs.

The Energy Boot Camp discussion will be moved to the next agenda.

VI. NEW BUSINESS: 1. Approve ACEC meeting schedule for 2010
Ms. Dearstyne included a meeting schedule for 2010 in the members' packets.  Meetings are to be held the first Wednesday of each month in the Avon Room, Town Hall Building 1, at 7:00 PM.

Mr. Kaplan motioned, Mr. Zahren seconded and all agreed to accept the 2010 meeting schedule as presented by Ms. Dearstyne.  


Chairman Gressier motioned, Mr. Kaplan seconded and all agreed to adjourn the meeting at 8:35 PM. None opposed.

                                                        Respectfully submitted:
                                                        Chairman Olivier Gressier

Attest: Susan Gatcomb, Clerk